Thursday, November 4, 2010

This is actually a photo from a wedding I just shot, not the best photo but I just found the entire experience to be pretty interesting considering it was the first one I had to shoot on my own. Commercial photography is a strange thing, I liked certain aspects of it and others I'm still unsure about.

These two guys came into my work and asked me very politely to take a photograph of them. The guy on the left, after I got done showing them the photo, then snapped his fingers and pointed at his glass and demanding that I refill his drink; momentarily unveiling his true character to me( wish i had a photo of that). People are strange creatures, and these two guys exhibit that notion perfectly. 

This photo took me innumerous amounts of attempts to upload to the my blog, it made me start to question if the photo was real or just something I had imagined( only kidding). The light is something I see every single night before i go to bed and usually the window curtain is open; revealing a plethora of gold colored crucifixes and light worn virgin Marys, hopefully I can get a picture of this soon. 

1 comment:

  1. Great to see these three images together. The text is fascinating.
